Training is key to successful contracts
Training is key to successful contracts
We offer comprehensive, high quality on-line training or on-site training, upon request
Our training enables your staff to write and negotiate better contracts
Time is always in short supply
The dilemma we face is that results-oriented, face-to-face training takes time……usually too much time.
We offer comprehensive, high quality on-line training. Our webinars enable your staff to write and negotiate better contracts.
We also offer customized In-house webinars exclusively for your staff using your contracts and those of your vendor/ customer. Our in-house training is currently available through video conferencing.
We would be delighted to discuss your needs
We offer trainings
- Does it take weeks or months to finalize contracts between you and your supplier or customer?
- Do contract negotiations get hung up on “Limitations of Liability”, “Indemnity” or “Warranty”? Do these clauses baffle you?
- Are you confident that you are protecting your company when you negotiate a contract with your supplier or customer?
- Do you know how to work with your attorney to get better legal advice?
- Do you have a checklist of issues you use to ensure that you’ve covered all your contract concerns?
Our training will provide you with the ability to answer these questions with confidence
Webinars and in-house Training